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Cassandra's Button Art Gallery

This is a gallery of the Buttonman Art for the site done by Amber (known on the Buttonman Site as Cassandra).

While most of the buttons can be found at this page will have some of my favorites, buttons that didn't make the cut, and other fun stuff. Enjoy!

Welcome to my Gallery. Clicking on a thumbnail will open the full-sized image in a new window.
Clicking on the Title of the photo will open the image in a full sized new window without using javascript.

If you have any suggestions, comments, or problems, please e-mail Amber

Unused Pride for 7 Sins
5.72 k
Craptacualr from HodgePodge
7.62 k
Button of Loathing
11.14 k
This is the alternate version of Pride that wasn't used for the site. Note: the reason that this one, and Anger weren't used is that I was going for a "beauty" theme. These just didn't cut it. (Please note: Yes, the name is misspelled on the button. This is deliberate. Read the flavor text ;-) Button of Loathing
White Rabbit from Wonderland
4.37 k
Evil Robot Luke?
7.64 k
Iron Chef Japanese Take 1
8.81 k
These are from the Wonderland set that I designed before I found out that images for a Wonderland set already existed. Sneak Preview! So, what do you think? Evil enough? Robot enough? Luke enough? I had NO idea what the heck this button was. This is the first Iron Chef Japanese that I made, unaware that this is not the "current" one. This is the original Iron Chef Japanese, Rokusaburo Michiba.
Alice from Wonderland
7.71 k
Count Dracula
7.02 k
Cassandra's Fanatic
6.62 k
These are from the Wonderland set that I designed before I found out that images for a Wonderland set already existed. Count Dracula from the Victorian Horror SetCassandra is an ancient Greek prophetess. She was cursed by Apollo when she refused to submit to his advances. She enjoys predicting doom, playing computer games, reading good books, and beating people up.
Skaph's Fanatic mark 2
8.32 k
Unused Anger for 7 Sins
8.01 k
Invisible Man
7.07 k
This is the second one I did. It was much easier than the other one ;-) Skaph chose to use the other one. I'm glad, because I like the other one better. This is the alternate version of Anger that wasn't used for the site. The Invisible Man from the Victorian Horror Set
Political Cartoon for Opedog
25.58 k
Queen of Hearts from Wonderland
5.89 k
Mad Hatter from Wonderland
5.33 k
Pat Oliphant June 15, 2003 These are from the Wonderland set that I designed before I found out that images for a Wonderland set already existed. These are from the Wonderland set that I designed before I found out that images for a Wonderland set already existed.
Jabberwock from Wonderland
4.65 k
Unused Sloth for 7 Sins
6.31 k
Unused Lust for 7 Sins
6.97 k
These are from the Wonderland set that I designed before I found out that images for a Wonderland set already existed. This is the alternate version of Sloth that wasn't used for the site. This is the alternate version of Lust that wasn't used for the site.
Skaph's Fanatic
9.84 k
Miser from the HodgePodge Set
7.84 k
Unused Gluttony for 7 Sins
8.71 k
This is the first version I did, working very hard to get all the "official cheapass symbols" into place. Cool colors, no? Sneak Preview! This button isn't on the site yet. I LOVE the way this button came out. This is the alternate version of Gluttony that wasn't used for the site.
tweedledum & dee from Wonderland
5.08 k
Unused Greed for 7 Sins
8.92 k
These are from the Wonderland set that I designed before I found out that images for a Wonderland set already existed. This is the alternate version of Greed that wasn't used for the site.