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Important Guild Links

This is a page for links to guild members web pages, or anything else that might be of interest to Children of the Shadows guild members

To have a link included here, Neomail or e-mail amahoney7

Link Suggested ByLink Description
wilderageChildren of the Shadows The official Children of the Shadows guild Web Page
chwynathChainstory Forum This is the forum for writing the chainstory that chwynath has been try to get going for so long. For more information, neomail chwynath It's a site about Gothic metal bands. You can find new bands there as most known bands are listed. There's even an on-line radio transmission. You can easily do requests and they'll play it for you. This website is a metaphysical and science website, full of interesting information about everything from ancient civilisations, astrology, conspiracies and spititual issues.
cxi_kidGeneration RapGeneration Rap -- A pocket lexicon of teen lingo By Jennifer Wells
tPtBFaerie Crossword AnswersAnswers to the Faerie Crossword Puzzle at Neopets. Updated Daily usually shortly after 12am NST